High School

Kent’s high school is a natural next step but does not exclusively serve twice-exceptional students. The program expertly blends online learning with in-person teaching and academic support, structured social time, skill building, and career preparation. Students have the option of direct instruction using a hybrid method or, with guidance from teachers, taking honors and AP level courses online to reach their personalized academic goals. With this model, small class sizes are maintained, while also providing students with higher level course offerings at a more affordable cost. This method of differentiated facilitation of instruction helps to ensure skill mastery and a great level of independence for lifelong learners.


The academic program is organized on a full year schedule. Six credits per semester is the maximum course load taken at school, but there is no limit to the number of credits a student can earn through extracurricular activities; students take three 60-minute classes, one 45-minute class, and one 50-minute class. All classes are year-long; each class meets every day. 

Honors classes are offered in English 1-4, Math 1-4, Art History, Biology, Calculus AB, Chemistry, European History, Government and Politics: United States, Government and Politics: Comparative, Physics, Statistics, United States History 1 and 2, and World History. 

Post High School Placement 

One-hundred percent of our graduates have matriculated to four year colleges, including Appalachian State, UNC Asheville, Queens University of Charlotte, Liberty University, UNC Charlotte, and UNC Chapel Hill.